vineri, 16 martie 2012

The New Epson Stylus SX235W - A Smart Printer For Home

After I have researched, I can say with certainty that The Epson Stylus SX235 manages to combine many functions in a compact casing, about 40% smaller versus previous models, and with a relatively small footprint on your desk.

Here are some of the attributes that surprised me :
- i found an easy setup of the wireless connection to my home computer
- a very high resolution printing : up to 5760×1400 : optimised dpi – on special media only
- print, copy and scan via wireless, from anywhere in your home and on your work laptop 

The CISS Ink System for Epson Stylus S22 / SX125 / SX130 / SX230 / SX235W is now available on You do not have to worry about the installation. I can tell you that is fairly easy and you can find a video tutorial in the product page, guiding you, step by step, through the installation process. 

Important to know that CISS market provides technical support for the CISS Ink System for Epson installation and usage instructions in the form of :
- video tutorials available for viewing on out website 
- written installation and usage instructions provided in the pack (Installation and Usage Instructions CD) and also available for download from our website 

Although does not impress the user with outstanding performance in terms of quality and printing speed, this analysis leads me to conclude that new Epson Stylus SX235W is an excellent candidate for home printing.

Un comentariu:

  1. after i read this presentation of the new EPSON Stylus AS235W i would like to buy one for my home needs. Thank you for this article !!


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