Poate asa, voi reusi sa adorm .. Ar trebui sa mearga : e una din cele mai speciale (da, stiu, nu e politically correct) melodii din folclorul irlandez pentru mine, coloana sonora la un film absolut fantastic - Rob Roy in care Liam Neeson face un rol monumental !
Mno .. e 03,15 AM .. In mod normal, ma trezesc pe la 06,00 AM - cel tarziu ! Si, ma voi trezi, vrand-nevrand ! Ziceam de-o melodie - da, e in irlandeza veche si suna de 1000 de ori mai bine decat in engleza ! Numai sa o ascultati, cand va veti trezi ! Eu, sigur adorm, pana se termina .. Somn usor !
Gata, ma duc la somn : oíche mhaith agus codladh éasca !
ROB ROY version : Gura mise tha fo éislean Moch sa mhaduinn is mi 'g éirigh Sèist: Ò hì shiùbhlainn leat Hì ri bhò hò ru bhì Hì ri bhò hò rinn o ho Ailein Duinn, ò hì shiubhlainn leat Ma 's e 'n cluasag dhut a' ghaineamh Ma 's e leabaidh dhut an fheamainn Ma 's e 'n t-iasg do choinnlean geala Ma 's e na ròin do luchd-faire Dh'òlainn deoch ge b' oil le càch e De dh'fhuil do choim 's tu 'n déidh do bhathadh
RăspundețiȘtergereENGLISH translation : How sorrowful I am Early in the morning rising Chorus (after each verse): Ò hì, I would go with thee Hì ri bhò hò ru bhì Hì ri bhò hò rinn o ho Brown-haired Alan, ò hì, I would go with thee If it is thy pillow the sand If it is thy bed the seaweed If it is the fish thy candles bright If it is the seals thy watchmen I would drink, though all would abhor it Of thy heart's blood after thy drowning